Easy CD-DA Extractor v.9.1.2.
Date de publication Jeudi 01 juin 2006 à 23:28:01
par Challenger
Catégorie Nouveautés
EASY CD-DA Extractor v.9.1.2.
Celà devient une habitude chez Poikosoft de nous mettre une nouvelle version journalière !
Change log :
- Installer now detects the installation folder of the previous version (for automatic upgrade to the new version without uninstalling or re-selecting the installation folder)
- Speed improvements for the Musepack, Monkey's Audio, Flac, and WavPack codecs (adjusted the speed optimizations of the C++ compiler)
- Now runs better with limited user accounts (no file write-access is required to the software folder)
- Temporary files are no longer needed and no longer created (improves the overall performance, and decreases the memory usage)
Téléchargement de la nouvelle version
EASY CD-DA Extractor 9.1.2.
Billet issu du site internet Colok Traductions
URL du billet