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Colok Traductions :: Sujet - International forum - Searching a translator for my program (TotoCalculator 2)
may I introduce myself: My name is Christian Sturmlechner, I live in Austria, Wien (Vienne). One of my hobbies is programming.
I have published a donationware/shareware program called "TotoCalculator 2". The next version 2.12 is available as a beta version on my homepage www.totocalculator.com. The current version 2.11 is already translated to French, but I lost contact to my translator, so I need your help:
I am looking for someone who wants to translate the new features of TotoCalculator into French (there is no need to translate the help at this moment). Of course I am ready to give a little bit back in exchange:
1) I will translate a French program to German (although I have learned French in school and still can read French I have forgotten much, so it would be better if there is an English version too);
2) the translator (and his friends) get a free licence, will be mentioned in my credits and there will be a link on a homepage of the translator (and/or to the colok-homepage).
There are already translations to English, Italian, Dutch and Swedish. If anyone wants to join the team - please send me an email and I will send you all the necessary information.
With best regards - salut
Colok Administrateur
Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23032
Localisation: fr
Posté le:
01-12-2008 23:10:51
Hi Christian,
Send me the file to translate...
_________________ A+
Colok Administrateur
Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23032
Localisation: fr
Posté le:
03-12-2008 21:33:42
Hi Christian,
Ok for the translation...this month i haven't time !
_________________ A+
Posté le:
03-12-2008 23:18:24
Hi Colok,
welcome to the team, and thank you very much for your help! There is no stress, a translation in 2009 is fine too, of course.
Best regards
GravuTrad Administrateur
Inscrit le:
Messages: 9127
Localisation: af
Posté le:
03-12-2008 23:33:58
What's doing this soft?
_________________ On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit! Petit!)
Posté le:
03-12-2008 23:44:39
TotoCalculator 2 improves the chances to win on soccer betting games like Toto, Lotofoot and Totocalcio. The application calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines - a minimum of common tips. The resulting distribution also yields a well-balanced ratio of likely und unlikely tips.
TotoCalculator 2 améliore vos chances de gagner en pariant à des jeux tels que Toto, Lotofoot, Totocalcio.... L'application calcule la distribution optimale sur vos billets. La distribution résultante rapporte également un rapport bien-équilibré des probables et peu probables.
With best regards
GravuTrad Administrateur
Inscrit le:
Messages: 9127
Localisation: af
Posté le:
04-12-2008 00:00:14
Thanks for the explanation.
_________________ On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit! Petit!)
Posté le:
12-12-2009 14:47:24
Hi and bonjour,
Colok has already translated many of the new features of TotoCalculator 2 (www.totocalculator.com) into French - thank you very much! Due to lack of time of Colok I am looking now for someone with interest in the program and time to translate the rest.
Please take a look at the file www.totocalculator.com/fr/tmt_fr-utf8.po.zip for what has still to be done. If you are interested to join the team please contact me at service@totocalculator.com.
By the way, for those who have installed the program: A new version 2.12 was released some days ago with a lot of bugfixes.
With best regards - salut
Colok Administrateur
Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23032
Localisation: fr
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