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Colok Traductions :: Sujet - Software - Recherche soft marqueur de secteur défectueux gratuit

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MessagePosté le: 01-11-2012 10:35:56 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut


Je suis à la recherche d'un bon soft marqueur de secteurs défectueux gratuit (autre que la fonction intégrée sur windows)

Quelqu'un connaitrait ou aurait une idée?

Merci d'avance.

On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit! Petit!)
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 22917
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 01-11-2012 12:40:38 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Je peux me tromper, mais il me semble que Makebad fait celà...
Attention, je ne serai tenu pour responsable s'il y avait perte de données ou tout autre mésaventure sur ton disque !

Makebad 0.9 beta by Danrevella 15/12/2006

utility to recover hard disk with "weak" sector when other utility fails.
This utility in NOT for the lucky owner of PC3000!!!
It is only for people who only may use freeware solutions........
This program does NOT perform any miracles: it only avoid the problems that a still usable hd
may cause when "weak sectors" are present: slowdown, freeze, etc......
If you're NOT able in solving these problems with other utility like MHDD, Victoria, HDAT2, Spinrite, etc. maybe my utility may help you.

Create the diskette simply running makebad09.exe
download the follow file:
rename it as
copy the renamed file in diskette a:\mhdd, f.e.:

"copy d:\saved_program_from internet\ a:\mhdd"

to utilize the program you have to boot with the diskette.

Makebad is an utility who work on your hard disk in destructive mode, so before to start it:
Second warning:
if you're NOT familiar with the utility MHDD, the best think you may perform after saving your data, is Phisically disconnect all hard disk, but the only you wanna try to recover, otherways several damage to other your hd may occours if you don't perform the right selection!!!

I will NOT be responsable for any damage or loss of data!!!!!!!

How it works:
here is an extract from MHDD FAQ:
Q10: How can I fix delays on my HDD (red and brown blocks)?
A: Use erase, then scan+erase waits, then scan+remap.
Q11: Does remap kill my data?
A: Remapping with MHDD is safe to your data.
Q12: Does erase waits kill my data?
A: Yes.
Q13: Can I do sector-by-sector EraseWaits?
A: No, because it will be almost exactly the same as remap.
Q14: Can I remap red or brown box?
A: No. See Q10.

Many time on hd are there these "red and brown blocks", from now I'll refer as "weak sector".
F.e. I had 4 hd with both video and audio files, and even if I don't experiemnted data loss, when I look a video whose file is on these weak sector, I always experimented freeze and slowdown
If you have performed with no success what is described in Q10, maybe that the relocation SMART table of your hd is full, BTW you may still eliminate the problem with my utility.
Makebad works in this fashion: transform al these weak sectors in really "bad" UNC sector, so after this operation you may re-format(a FULL reformat and an NTFS partition is required!) your hd under Window, so now OS will mark all these UNC sectors as bad cluster and no longer will utilize it.
From this moment performing a
>chkdsk x:
will tell you that bad sector does exists, but you no longer will be bored with slowdown while looking at a video.... Wink

Booting from diskette will bring you on this simple menu:
(c) 2006-2007 by danrevella
MakeBad utility to recover hd with weak sectors ver. beta 0.9.1
0) destructive test to verify your hd is able in writing UNC sectors
1) low level format hd
2) scanning for weak sector via/MHDD then marking weak sectors as UNC
3) as 2) but in two separate passes
9) MHDD with primary port enabled
at every time, digiting "m" will bring back you to this menu
General indications:
-) MHDD does NOT show your slave port, btw it let you select it, f.e. if your
damaged hd is on slave port of primary ide channel, mhdd will show port 1 and 3,
btw you may select port 2 or 4 (2 in this case) even if it is NOT visualized!!!
After your selection, pressing F2 will show you the hd on which MHDD will works,
so please, before give any confimation, be sure that F2 will give you the name of
the hard disk you wanna perform on.
-) INSIDE MHDD, and at MHDD prompt (MHDD>), to confirm that you have performed the right selection, you have to type "hdok", without "" and without pressing return!!
After you have typed "hdok" (case sensitive), wait and do NOT interrupt the automatic
If you really need interrupt, try several time ctrl-break, or even worse reset or power
off your computer: no problems: we are in pure dos.......
-) at dos prompt, at any time you may press m followed by return to come back to
initial menu.
Now the options:
0) this will test if your hard disk is capable of writing UNC, not all hd are able in
performing such action, if this test fails, you have to renonce to use the rest of the
program options.... Sad(
If your hd is NOT capable in accetting the write of UNC sectors, see the faq.
1) perform a low level formatting of hard disk, running the vivard utility, please be sure
to select the right hd, and then select the option "erase all sectors on hd."
2) This procedure full automatic, wait for you to type "hdok" then will scan your entire hd
then will revert weak sectors in UNC sectors.
3) As point 2) but it will stop after the scan is complete an wait you press a key.
Use this procedure if you experiment system lock while performing operation 2)
9) Simple run MHDD with primary channel enabled and with no sound.

Clique ici


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Inscrit le:
Messages: 9047
Localisation: af

MessagePosté le: 01-11-2012 19:39:36 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Fonctionne par disquette et en mode destructif (disque vide pour le faire), pas bon pour moi, bien dommage. Intéressante liste fournie dedans mais peut être pas gratuits..

Il me faudrait un truc qui checke et marque le secteur défecteux en déplacant ce qu'il y a dedans, comme windows sait le faire...

On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi! (Petit! Petit!)
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