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Colok Traductions :: Sujet - Groupe de travail (Traduction) - Groupe de travail pour SoftCAT en français !

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Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 01-10-2012 23:04:45 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

J'ai fait la traduction du logiciel SofCAT mais il me faudrait des volontaires pour réaliser la traductions des Templates (fichiers .xls)

Pour le téléchargement du logiciel c'est ici

Pour info sur le programme Voir ici




Dernière édition par Colok le 16-10-2012 22:04:48; édité 1 fois
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Envoyer un message privé Visiter le site web du posteur

Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 02-10-2012 10:01:21 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Bonjour Colok,

Je veux bien tenter et m'y mettre mais comme je le dis dans un autre post, je ne peux pas garantir de délai, compte tenu de la masse que cela représente et de ma charge de travaux ménagers, "jardinalistiques" et autres Very Happy


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 12 Mars 2006
Messages: 2855
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 02-10-2012 11:52:11 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Colok a écrit:
J'ai fait la traduction du logiciel SofCAT mais il me faudrait des volontaires pour réaliser la traductions des Templates (fichiers .xls)

Bonjour Colok Very Happy

J'ai trouvé 33 fichiers *.xls
Pour ceux qui l'on installé 32 fichiers *.xls se trouvent ici :
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SoftCAT\Explorer Templates
Le 33ème est ici
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SoftCAT\Reports\XSL Templates

Je viens d'essayer d'en traduire un, mais ce que je fais est nul et te donnerait plus de travail à vérifier Embarassed

NotePad++ est bien mais il faut que je passe d'une page à l'autre, et avec le risque d'en perdre le fil, tandis qu'un visuel des 2 pages serait mieux.

Ai-je rêvé Rolling Eyes Colok il me semble que tu avais parlé d'un logiciel ou l'on avait 2 parties, l'une la partie en langue xxx et la seconde avec le même fichier pour la Trad mais le tout dans une même fenêtre, je ne me souvient plus du nom et si c'est Freeware ou payant ?

Matula dit le Moine
Windows 7.1
Il n'y a pas plus grande richesse que l'amitié.
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 02-10-2012 16:05:23 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Salut messieurs et merci d'avoir répondu si vite, je suis touché Smile

Matula: le logiciel est Notepad++ qui est gratuit

Matula et Lustucru je laisse tomber la traduction des Templates, car il faut en permanence vérifier leur fonction car les crash programme sont assez nombreux!

Je vais finaliser la traduction de l'interface et ce sera très bien comme ça !!!

Je vous remercie quand même et c'est très sympa d'avoir répondu présent !



Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Envoyer un message privé Visiter le site web du posteur

Inscrit le: 12 Mars 2006
Messages: 2855
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 02-10-2012 16:44:52 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Colok a écrit:
Salut messieurs et merci d'avoir répondu si vite, je suis touché Smile

Matula: le logiciel est Notepad++ qui est gratuit

Matula et Lustucru je laisse tomber la traduction des Templates, car il faut en permanence vérifier leur fonction car les crash programme sont assez nombreux!

Je vais finaliser la traduction de l'interface et ce sera très bien comme ça !!!
Je vous remercie quand même et c'est très sympa d'avoir répondu présent !

C'est ce que j'ai dit j'utilise Notepad++ mais je n'avais jamais utilisé "Cloner dans l'autre vue" option que je viens de découvrir, grâce à ta réponse avec la copie écran.
Je pensais que tu avais parlé un jour d'un autre logiciel Very Happy Wink

La Trad de l'interface c'est déjà bien. c'est à nous de te dire Merci Very Happy

Matula dit le Moine
Windows 7.1
Il n'y a pas plus grande richesse que l'amitié.
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Envoyer un message privé Visiter le site web du posteur

Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 03-10-2012 21:55:44 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

J'ai fait les 95 % de la traduction !
Bon, si l'un d'entre vous veut m'aider, voici quelques mots / phrases qu'il faudrait traduire!

Merci d'avance Wink

Si vous êtes deux à vous y atteler, diviser le fichier en deux pour ne pas faire 2 fois le même travail...

Note: ne modifiez pas ou ne supprimez pas les %s, %d et autres caractères spéciaux !
Faites la traduction juste après le mot ou la phrase à traduire et sur la même ligne, exemple: Hello - Bonjour

(%d Records)
(New Record)
(No Record)
cannot open a database located on a CD!
of the multi-disk set.
Select the database(s) you want to delete, then click Delete.

Seek error
"%s" already exists in the lookup table.
"%s" is in use!
"%s" was created with a previous version of %s. Before the database can be opened, %s must convert it. After the database has been converted you will not be able to open it with an older version of %s.
%d errors.
%d fields updated.
%d is an invalid GroupIndex value. GroupIndex must be between 0 and %d
%d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d
%d lookup records are in use and were not deleted.
%d pages generated.
%d programs updated.
%d records exported.
%d records updated.
%d records will be deleted.
%d replacements.
%d titles are not returned and the corresponding loan records were not deleted.
'%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp
%d: Circular links are not allowed
%g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g
%s - marked
%s (%s, line %d)
%s Alert
%s already exists.
'%s' could not be found!
%s count
%s does not exist!
%s expected
''%s'' expected
%s has not been registered as a COM class
%s Images
%s is already associated with %s
%s is an unregistered style name
%s is an unsupported standard style
%s is not a valid BCD value
'%s' is not a valid boolean value
'%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s'
''%s'' is not a valid component name
''%s'' is not a valid date
''%s'' is not a valid date and time
'%s' is not a valid floating point value
'%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s'
'%s' is not a valid GUID value
''%s'' is not a valid integer value
'%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s'
%s is not a valid IPv6 address
%s is not a valid service.
''%s'' is not a valid time
%s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s
%s not in a class registration group
%s on %s
%s on line %d
%s property out of range
%s Read Alert
%s requires themes to be enabled
%s requires Windows Vista or later
%s style does not support rotation of tabs
%s support
%s table: %d records imported.
%s Write Alert
%s.ClipboardFormat is read-only
%s.Seek not implemented
%s: Replace "%s" with "%s".
&Cache Pages
&Calc Order...
'(' expected but %s found
(a > z)
(Click No, and then the History button to more details.)
(Click the Cancel button to cancel the changes.)
(Image stored in database)
(large > small)
(MRU List)
(newer > older)
(no value)
(older > newer)
(page %d of %d)
(small > large)
(This search is slower since you are searching two fields linked to the same lookup table.)
(z > a)
')' expected but %s found
')' or ',' expected but %s found
[%d-user license]
[Quick Filter: %s]
[Read Only]
[Read-Only Guest Mode]
<count> item(s) selected
<count> items
<filename> already exists.
<name> already exists.
<name> is not a unique identifier.
<name> is not a valid identifier.
<name>.<name> field: '<name>' could not be found.
1 - Add...
1 of 9
1. Construct your crosstab by dragging fields from the field list into the shaded cells.
2 - Edit Table...
2,Page title font|
2. Remove columns, rows or values by dragging from the diagram back to the field list.
3 - Remove
3,Field name|
3. Reorder columns, rows or values by dragging within the diagram.
3D Dark Shadow
3D Light
4,Back link|
4,Data font|
4,Field name font|
4,Heading row|
4. Format crosstab by selecting a row, column or value and then using the toolbar or popup menu.
5,Back link|
6,Page links|
7,Page number|
64-Byte Prefetching
128-Byte Prefetching
A call to an OS function failed
A class named %s already exists
A Codabar symbol must start and end with A, B, C, or D.
A component named %s already exists
A control cannot have itself as its parent
A database named "%s" already exists.
A new version of %s is available. Do you want more information?
A start code can only be placed at the beginning of the symbol
A TTBDock control cannot be placed inside a tool window or another TTBDock
A, B, C, and D are used only for the start and stop codes for Codabar.
Abstract Error
Accept Error
Accept Exit
Accept Failed
Accept Loop
Access denied.
Access violation
Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
Accessing data...
Acquire Image from Scanner
Acquire Image from Scanner|
Across then Down
Active Border
Active Caption
Active window border
Active window title bar
Active window title bar text
Add %d programs to database?
Add File Link
Add File Viewer
Add Filter
Add Group
Add Grouping Definition
Add Label Definition
Add List Layout
Add List Layout (Card List)
Add Menu Item
Add New Program
Add Program
Add Sort Order
Add Sub-Menu
Add to Database
Add to list
Add to Menu
Add Web Link
Additional images|%s
Add-on codes must be either 2 or 5 digits
Address already in use.
Address family not supported by protocol family.
Address type not supported.
Adjust field widths so all fields fit on page.
Adjust width
Adobe Acrobat files (*.pdf)|*.pdf|All files (*.*)|*.*
Advanced Components
Advanced Search - %s
Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters
Algorithm %s not permitted in FIPS mode
Align Bottom
Align Center
Align Left
Align Middle
Align or Space
Align Top
All Folders
All images are stored in the database.
All objects on the band will be deleted.
All pages in range
All requested pages were beyond end of report.
All Uppercase
Already connected.
already exists.
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $%.4x)
An error occurred!
An error occurred! Make sure the folder ("%s") exist.
An error occurred: "%s"
An item viewer associated the specified item could not be found
An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate.
An updated version of %s is available. Dowload now?
Ancestor for '%s' not found
and the
ANI Image
ANSI or UTF8 encoding expected
App WorkSpace
Application Error
Application is not licensed to use this feature
Application workspace
Archive File
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these records?
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete this record?
Are you absolutely sure you want to modify the loan record?
Are you sure you want the program to automatically update the group property of all data fields on the form?
Are you sure you want the program to automatically update the tab order?
Are you sure you want the program to automatically update the Use property of all fields in the '%s' table?
Are you sure you want to add the new record to the database?
Are you sure you want to cancel the changes?
Are you sure you want to cancel?
Are you sure you want to change the locale setting to %s?
Are you sure you want to delete '<name>'?
Are you sure you want to delete these <count> folders and move all contents to the Recycle Bin?
Are you sure you want to delete these <count> items?
Are you sure you want to delete this record?
Are you sure you want to remove the folder '<name>' and move all its contents to the Recycle Bin?
Are you sure you want to reset the filters?
Are you sure you want to reset the grouping definitions?
Are you sure you want to reset the list layouts?
Are you sure you want to reset the menu?
Are you sure you want to reset the sort orders?
Are you sure you want to send '<name>' to the Recycle Bin?
Are you sure you want to send these <count> items to the Recycle Bin?
Argument out of range
Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported
Assertion failed
Attached to database
Audio Files
Authentication error to socks server.
Auto Backup
Auto backup failed!
Auto size
Auto Update Groups
Auto Update Tab Order
Auto Update Use Property
AutoSize has been turned off.
Available Controls
Available Fields
Background color
Background Color
Background Color|General
Backing up database
Backup Database
Bad file number.
Bad protocol option.
Baltic (ISO)
Baltic (Windows)
Band height cannot exceed page height.
Bar Height cannot be less than one
Bar Horizontal
Bar Width cannot be less than one
BarHeightToWidth cannot be less than one
BarWidth can be no more than <maxbarwidth>
BarWidth must be at least <minbarwidth>
Based on:
BaseImages is not assigned
begin and end tag mismatch: "%s" and "%s" at line %d (pos %d)
begins with
Big Endian Unicode
Bitmap image is not valid
BitmapToMemoryStream: bit count not implemented
BitmapToMemoryStream: pixel format not implemented
Bits index out of range
Blue Gray
Border width
Borrower does not exist!
Bottom margin
Bottom of control extends below workspace.
Bottom offset
Bottom to Top
Bright Green
Bring Forward
Bring to &Front
Bring to Front
Buffer fault.
Buffer start position is invalid.
Buffer terminator must be specified.
Building file list
Button face
Button Face
Button highlight
Button Highlight
Button shadow
Button Shadow
Button text
Button Text
Button/icon size: You must restart the application for the settings to take effect.
by the field names in the file you are loading.
Calculate Check Digit
Calculate On
Calculating Crosstab: Record <count>.
Calculating page <page> for report <documentname>
Can not bind in port range (%d - %d)
Can not change credentials after handle aquired. Use Release first
Can only modify an image if it contains a bitmap
Cannot access field '%s' as type %s
Cannot access field '%s' in a filter
Cannot add a session to the form or data-module while session '%s' has AutoSessionName enabled
cannot add node to this type of element
Cannot assign a %s to a %s
Cannot assign requested address.
Cannot call Start on a running or suspended thread
Cannot call TerminateAndWaitFor on FreeAndTerminate threads
Cannot change IPVersion when connected
Cannot change Position of a TTBDock if it already contains controls
Cannot change the Size of a GIF image
Cannot change the size of a JPEG image
Cannot change the size of a WIC Image
Cannot change the size of an icon
Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
Cannot connect to database '%s'
Cannot create file "%s". %s
Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
Cannot drag a form
Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data-module
Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
Cannot generate report.
Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
Cannot insert or delete rows from grid
Cannot make a visible window modal
cannot manipulate nodes in this type of element
Cannot modify a read-only dataset
Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled
Cannot move '<name>': The destination folder is the same as the source folder.
Cannot open clipboard: %s
Cannot open file "%s". %s
Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset
Cannot perform this operation on an active session
Cannot perform this operation on an open database
Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset
Cannot rename '<name>': A folder with the name you specified already exists.
Cannot rename '<name>': An item with the name you specified already exists.
Cannot save dockable window's position because DockedTo's Name property not set
Cannot save empty GIF
Cannot send or receive after socket is closed.
Cannot set initial user data because there is not enough user data space allocated.
cannot set name on this type of element
cannot set value on this type of element
Cannot start Excel/Excel not installed.
Cannot store a template to a field of this type.
Cannot terminate an externally created thread
Cannot wait for an externally created thread
Can't clear data while async data transfer is in progress
Cant create zip configuration file
Can't generate report. Preview is not available.
Can't write to a read-only resource stream
Cant write uncompressed file
Canvas does not allow drawing
Caption cannot be empty
Caption Text
Card List - Icon
Card List - Screenshot
Card List - Screenshot (Border)
Category ID|Internal
Cell border|Color
Cell border|Width
Cell padding
Cell spacing
Center Horizontally in Band
Center Vertically in Band
Central European (ISO)
Central European (Windows)
Character index out of bounds (%d)
Check box
Check box type
Check for Update - Internet DLL
Check in box|X in box|Check mark|X mark
Check Old License
Check Reference Number
Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.
Checking for NULL values
Checking license status
Checking update
CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
Chinese Simplified (HZ)
Chinese Traditional (Big5)
Choose "Help->Upgrade Now" to upgrade.
Chunk Started
Circular datalinks are not allowed
Circular decoder table entry
Class %s not found
Clear Group
Clear Icon
Clear Image
Clear Image|
Clear the search
Clearing folder
Click OK to continue.
Click OK to download and reinstall the database engine.
Clipboard does not support Icons
Clipboard operation failed.
Clone - Create Code Based
Clone Definition
Clone Record
Close Database
Codabar can only encode 0-9, A, B, C, D, -, $, :, /, ., and +
Code 39 barcodes can only contain A-Z, 0-9, $, %, +, -, ., /, and spaces
Code 128 must begin with a start code (#208, #209 or #210)
Code C does not utilize characters #201 through #204
Code Module
Code too large for barcode
Collapse All
Collapse Outline
Color not in color table
Color Picker
Color table is empty
Color table overflow
Column 2 width
Column %d
Column %d Properties
Column parameter out of range
Column Properties (%s)
Column Width
COM Server Warning
Comma delimited
Command not supported.
Compacting database
CompleteAuthToken is not supported
Components cannot be added to this design layer
Components cannot be deleted from this design layer
Components cannot be selected in this design layer
Components cannot move in this design layer
Configure Crosstab
Confirm Folder Delete
Confirm Folder Replace
Confirm Item Delete
Confirm Item Replace
Confirm Multiple Folder Delete
Confirm Multiple Item Delete
Confirm Rename
Confirm: Delete "%s"?
Confirm: Delete %d files?
Connect Error
Connect Exit
Connect Failed
Connect Loop
Connect timed out.
Connecting to %s.
Connection Closed Gracefully.
Connection not allowed by ruleset.
Connection refused.
Connection reset by peer.
Connection timed out.
Constant is not correct type %s
Constant out of range
Contact if you need assistance.
Contents of <name>
Control '%s' has no parent window
Control name
Control Panel DLLs|*.cpl|Icons|*.ico|Program Files|*.exe|
Control-C hit
Controls beyond the new column width will be deleted.
Controls beyond the new page width will be deleted.
Controls within the column footer will be deleted.
Controls within the column header and column footer will be deleted.
Controls within the column header will be deleted.
Convert Database
Convert database now?
Converting database - please wait...
Converting database (%s) - please wait...
Copy #
Copy the entire e-mail with the registration key to the clipboard (Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C), and try again.
Copy to '%s' (Ctrl+F2)
Copy to Clipboard
CopyFrom can only be used with TXmlNode descendants
Copying backup file to destination folder
Copying database to destination folder
Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use.
Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
Could not copy from
Could not decompress the image because it contains invalid compressed data.
Could not encode header data using charset "%s"
Could not load certificate.
Could not load key, check password.
Could not load root certificate.
Could not load SSL library.
Could not obtain OLE control window handle
Could not open DataSet.
Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string
CPUID leaf 2 does not report cache descriptor information, use CPUID leaf 4 to query cache parameters
Create '%s' - Reverse '%s' (Ctrl+F3)
Create '%s' (Ctrl+F3)
Create Database
Create New Folder
Create Report
Create virtual image
Creating database - please wait...
Creating indexes
Creating tmp database
CrossTab Wizard
CrossTab: <name> references field '<name>'
Curr&ent Page
Current master password
Current Password
Custom %s|Custom
Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s
Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable
Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range
Custom Views
Cyclic assignment of ShiftRelativeTo property.
Dark Blue
Dark Green
Dark Red
Dark shadow 3D elements
Dark Teal
Dark Yellow
Data cannot be accessed as %s.
Data Components
Data Entry
Data has no value.
Data is too large for stream
Data Module
Data must be selected before continuing
Data not assigned.
Data not initialized.
Data Pipeline Name
Data to be encoded
Data Tree
Data Type
Database (filter)
Database handle owned by a different session
Database Templates
Databases|*.mdb|All files|*.*
DataDictionary.<name> '<name>' could not be opened.
DataDictionary.<name> property is not assigned.
Dataset not in edit or insert mode
DataSource cannot be changed
Date due date cannot be earlier than borrow date.
Date exceeds maximum of %s
Date format
Date is less than minimum of %s
Date|Date and time|Print date and time|Page count|Page number|Page number description|Page set|Page set description|Time|Database name|Database name full
Decoder bit buffer under-run
default char used for codepage substitution
Default Find Text String
Default Folders
Default value
Delete %d files?
Delete all existing html and image files in output folder?
Delete Database
Delete File
Delete File Viewer
Delete Filter
Delete Grouping Definition
Delete Label Definition
Delete List Layout
Delete Sort Order
Delete the file?
Delete: "%s"?
Deleting indexes
Deleting: "%s"
Demo version
Design Guides
Designer property is not assigned.
Design-time previewing not available.
Desktop background
Destination address required.
Detail band does not fit on page.
Detail Fields
Diagonal Left
Diagonal Right
Dimmed text
Directory &Name:
Directory not empty
Disk full
Dispatch interface missing from class %s
Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
Display &Grid
Division by zero
Do AcquireCredentialsHandle first
Do you want to activate the existing record?
Do you want to bring up the Form Designer and add these fields to the data entry window?
Do you want to buy your own copy now?
Do you want to cancel the changes?
Do you want to cancel?
Do you want to change the due date to "%s"?
Do you want to hide the data fields that are not in use?
Do you want to keep the existing field names?
Do you want to preview the report or modify the report's design?
Do you want to purchase the program now?
Do you want to remove these fields from the data entry window?
Do you want to replace it?
do you want to replace the existing items?
Do you want to replace the file?
Do you want to save the changes?
Do you want to show all records?
Do you want to transfer data to this database?
Docked control must have a name
does not begin with
does not match any of the values in this list
Double quotes
Down then Across
Download Image
Download Password|Registration
Download Update
Download URL|Registration
Download Username|Registration
Downloading %s
Downloading image
Downloading Image
Downloading version history
Drag && Drop
Drag to make this menu float
Drawing page <page> for <documentname>
Drawing page <page> of <pagecount> for report <documentname>
Drill Down
Drop Image
Duplicate database name '%s'
Duplicate field name '%s'
Duplicate name '%s' in %s
Duplicate session name '%s'
Duplicates not allowed
Dynamic role fields: You must reopen the database for this settings to take effect.
E&dit Chart...
E&xport Chart...
EAN-8 barcodes must be 7 digits (8 with check digit)
EAN-8 barcodes must be 8 digits including the check digit
EAN-8 barcodes must be numeric
EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes must have AutoSizeFont = True
EAN-13 barcodes must be 12 digits (13 with check digit)
EAN-13 barcodes must be 13 digits including the check digit
EAN-13 barcodes must be numeric
Edit %s
Edit &Hyperlink...
Edit &Notes...
Edit &Table...
Edit Browse View
Edit Created by
Edit Field
Edit File Link
Edit Filter
Edit Grouping Definition
Edit Hyperlink
Edit Link
Edit link must not be nil.
Edit List Layout
Edit List Layout (Card List)
Edit Notes
Edit Notes|
Edit Web Link
Edit XSL Template...
Either BarHeight or BarHeightToWidth is required
Empty Recycle &Bin
End of stream: Class %s at %d
Enhanced Metafiles
Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12.
Enter the text to find
EOF was observed that violates the protocol
Error accepting connection with SSL.
Error binding data to SSL socket.
Error connecting with SSL.
Error converting to UTC time. Time zone could not be determined
Error creating cursor handle
Error creating SSL context.
Error creating SSL session.
Error creating system registry entry
Error creating variant or safe array
Error creating window class
Error creating window device context
Error deleting "%s"
Error geting SSL method.
Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d.
Error loading memo.
Error loading rich text.
Error Moving Folder
Error on call to Winsock2 library function %s
Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s)
Error reading %s%s%s: %s
Error reading template from database.
Error removing control from dock tree
Error Renaming Folder
Error Renaming Item
Error setting %s.Count
Error setting File Descriptor for SSL
error while calculating streamlength
Error writing zip configuration file
Error: %s
Error: Text Search Cancelled
Even pages
Excel files (*.xls)|*.xls|All files (*.*)|*.*
Excellent|Very Good|Good|Mediocre|Poor|No Rating
Exception %s in module %s at %p.
Exception in safecall method
Execute not supported
Expand All
Expand Outline
Expiration Date|General
Explorer window
Explorer Window
Export\iPod Notes
Export\Text File
Expression expected but %s found
Expression is not an aggregate expression
Extend Loan Period
Extension already exits
Extension is empty
External Applications
External exception %x
Extract %d images?
Extracting images: "%s"
Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information.
Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB
Failed to clear tab control
Failed to create DIB from Bitmap
Failed to create key %s
Failed to delete tab at index %d
Failed to get ANSI replacement character
Failed to get data for '%s'
Failed to get interface to Desktop
Failed to get object at index %d
Failed to Load Stream
Failed to read ImageList data from stream
Failed to retrieve tab at index %d
Failed to Save Stream
Failed to set calendar date or time
Failed to set calendar min/max range
Failed to set calendar selected range
Failed to set data for '%s'
Failed to set maximum selection range
Failed to set object at index %d
Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d
Failed to write ImageList data to stream
Failure to convert floating point value.
Family Pack
Feature not implemented
Fetch Program Data
Field %d
Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field
Field '%s' cannot be modified
Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression
Field '%s' has no dataset
Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified
Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc
Field '%s' is of an unknown type
Field '%s' is of an unsupported type
Field '%s' must have a value
Field '%s' not found
Field already selected.
Field Link Editor
Field name
Field name missing
Field Properties (%s)
Field value not imported
Fields for <name>
Fields must be selected before continuing.
File "%s" not found
File '%s' could not be found
File access denied
File already exists. Please specify a unique name!
File does not exist
File does not exist.
File exists - cannot overwrite existing file!
File Exists Alert
File is larger than uncompressed size!
File is read-only.
File Link Type
File Link Type ID|Internal
File Link Type|File
File Links
File Links|File & Web
File name too long.
File not found ("%s").
File not found:
File Type
FileID ("%s") not found.
Filename prefix
Fill color
Fill Color
Fill color 2
Filter expression incorrectly terminated
Find Deleted Programs
Find First
Find Last
Find Next
Find Prior
Find Text
Find text in the report
Find Text Settings
First column too wide to fit on page.
Fixed column count must be less than column count
Fixed Length
Fixed row count must be less than row count
Float type:
Floating point division by zero
Floating point overflow
Floating point underflow
FolderPipeline <name> field: '<name>' could not be found.
FolderPipeline property is not assigned.
FolderPipeline: '<name>' could not be opened.
Font Bold
Font Color
Font Italic
Font Size
Font Underline
Footer - XSL Code
Force Justify
Form Designer
Form Designer - %s
Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
Format string too long
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Adjust total column heights.
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Allocate caption widths.
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Coalesce caption heights.
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Coalesce caption widths.
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Compute caption text sizes.
Formatting CrossTab Columns: Position field labels.
Formatting CrossTab Rows: Adjust total row heights.
Formatting CrossTab Rows: Allocate caption heights.
Formatting CrossTab Rows: Allocate caption widths.
Formatting CrossTab Rows: Coalesce caption heights.
Formatting CrossTab Rows: Compute caption text sizes.
Formatting CrossTab Values: Allocate caption heights.
Formatting CrossTab Values: Compute cell heights and widths.
Formatting CrossTab Values: Compute cell heights and widths. Column: <count> Row: <count>
Formatting CrossTab Values: Position field labels.
Formatting CrossTab: Compute cell heights and widths.
Found %d programs.
Found and attached %d image files.
Found and attached %d image files.\nUnable to locate %d image files.
Found no external image files.
Found no image files.
Found no images to extract.
Found no new programs!
Found no programs!
Found no reservations older than %d days!
Found Text From Page
Frame contains multiple Graphic Control Extension blocks
General SOCKS server failure.
Generate Chart
Generate XML Document
Generated by
Generating new file names
GetCoding must be overridden in %s
GIF code size not in range 2 to 9
GIF encoded data is corrupt
GIF image encoding error
GLI value out of range
Go to
Go To
Go To Folder
Go To Installation Folder
Go To|
Goto Data Folder
Goto Folder
Goto Record
Gradient Active Caption
Gradient Inactive Caption
Grand Total
Gray 25%
Gray 40%
Gray 50%
Gray 80%
Gray Text
Greek (ISO)
Greek (Windows)
Grid index out of range
Grid size X must be an integer between 2 and 128.
Grid size Y must be an integer between 2 and 128.
Grid too large for operation
Group Fields
Group Footer
Group Header
Group Search
GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex
Grow Height to Largest
Grow Width to Largest
Handshake Done
Handshake Start
has any value.
Hebrew (ISO-Logical)
Hebrew (ISO-Visual)
Hebrew (Windows)
Height: %d
Hide Band (%s)
Hide Data Fields
Hide duplicates
Hide Duplicates
Hide Fields
Hide if empty
Hide if one item
Hide Outline
Hide the Find Text Toolbar
Hide when one detail
High surrogate char without a following low surrogate char at index: %d. Check that the string is encoded properly
Highlight 3D elements
Highlight Color
Highlight Text
Home page
Horizontal size needs to be specified
Host field is empty
Host is down.
Host not found.
Host unreachable.
Hot Light
HTML files (*.htm)|*.htm|All files (*.*)|*.*
HTML Files|*.htm;*.html|All Files|*.*
I/O error %d
Icon image is not valid
Icon List
Identifier expected
If Empty
If the items in the existing folder have the same name as reports in the folder you are moving,
If you answer "No", the field names will be overwritten
If you continue, you may NOT be able to open the database again! Therefore, we recommend that you first backup your database. FNProgramvare has no responsibility for any loss of data.
Ignore empty
Ignore the error and continue?
illegal end tag ("%s") at line %d (streampos %d)
illegal tag ("%s") at pos %d
Image button pos
Image exceeds Logical Screen size
Image has no DIB
Image height
Image is empty
Image width
Images Files
Import data from "%s"?
Import Results
Import\Text File
IMPORTANT: You searched the marked records only!
Importing into %s table
IN predicate list may not be empty
Inactive Border
Inactive Caption
Inactive Caption Text
Inactive window border
Inactive window title bar
Inactive window title bar text
Include role
Include roles
Include time
Include Time
Include title
Incomplete Zip File
Incorrect type information for class %s
Incorrectly formed filter expression
Index %d is out of range
Index (%d) must be between 0 and %d
indicates that this search value must be entered.
Info Background
Info Text
Input buffer exceeded for %s = %d, %s = %d
Insert Field
Insert Hyperlink
Insert Image
Insert Image|
Insert Object
Insert Picture
Insert Picture...
Insert Table Row
Inspector painter can only be linked to one inspector.
Installation Date|General
Installation Folder|General
Integer overflow
Interface not supported
Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must be numeric
Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must have an even number of digits
Internal error: %s.%s needs implementation
Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label
Interrupted system call.
Invalid argument
Invalid argument to date encode
Invalid argument to time encode
Invalid argument.
Invalid binary value
Invalid Bits Per Pixel value
Invalid characters in path
Invalid class typecast
Invalid clipboard format
Invalid code page
Invalid Codeword
Invalid color index
Invalid color index - color map expanded
Invalid count (%d)
Invalid data type for '%s'
Invalid destination array
Invalid destination index (%d)
Invalid extension introducer
Invalid field size
Invalid FieldKind
Invalid file name - %s
Invalid filename: %s
Invalid filter expression character: '%s'
Invalid floating point operation
Invalid format type for BCD
Invalid GIF data
Invalid GIF signature
Invalid image
Invalid image dimensions
Invalid image size
Invalid Image trailer
Invalid Image.
Invalid ImageList
Invalid ImageList Index
Invalid index
Invalid input value
Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes
Invalid level (%d) for item "%s"
Invalid license.
Invalid Memo.
Invalid NULL variant operation
Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor
Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor
Invalid Number of columns
Invalid number of rows
Invalid Number.
Invalid numeric input
Invalid operation in GDI+ (Code: %d)
Invalid operation on TOleGraphic
Invalid owner
Invalid pixel coordinates
Invalid pixel format
Invalid pointer operation
Invalid Port Range (%d - %d)
Invalid Postal Code
Invalid property element: %s
Invalid property path
Invalid property type: %s
Invalid property value
Invalid property value %s.
Invalid property value.
Invalid Quiet Zone
Invalid seek origin (%d)
Invalid session name %s
Invalid socks authentication method.
Invalid source array
Invalid SQL date/time values
Invalid stream format
Invalid stream operation
Invalid string constant
Invalid Template Format
Invalid use of keyword
Invalid UTF32 character value. Must be >= 0 and <= $10FFFF, excluding surrogate pair ranges
Invalid Value
Invalid value for field '%s'
Invalid value: Height of band cannot exceed height of page.
Invalid value: Zero height band cannot contain components.
Invalid variant operation
Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)
Invalid variant type
Invalid variant type conversion
Invalid variant type or size for field '%s'
IOHandler value is not valid
IPv6 unavailable
is after
is before
is between
is blank
is equal to
Is equal to|Contains|Begins with|Ends with|Is not equal to|Does not contain|Does not begin with|Does not end with|Is greater than|Is greater than or equal to|Is less than|Is less than or equal to|Between|Not between|Is empty|Is not empty|Random
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
is not
is not a valid date.
is not a valid datetime.
is not a valid number.
is not a valid time.
is not between
is not blank
is not equal to
is on or after
is on or before
It is recommended that you extract all images stored in the database with the Tools/Database Maintenance/Extract Image function.
It is strongly recommended that you set the AutoRegister
property to False when the drop target is a rich edit control.
Otherwise the text of the rich edit control might become
invisible when the control is scrolled or modifified
Item already assigned to another parent.
Item not found ($0%x)
Item not found: <name>
ItemPipeline <name> field: '<name>' could not be found.
ItemPipeline property is not assigned.
ItemPipeline Template field: '<name>' is not a memo or blob field.
ItemPipeline: '<name>' could not be opened.
It's not allowed to add a new chunk because the current image is invalid.
Joined Fields
KB received
Keep together
Keep together w/ Detail
Keyword ID|Internal
Label information
Label Templates
Language ID|Internal
Last Modified|Internal
Latin 9 (ISO)
Leading zeros
Left justify|Center|Right justify
Left justify|Right justify|Center
Left: %d
Length of filename greater than 255 characters!
Length of url greater than 255 characters!
level mismatch between subnode "%s" and endnode "%s" at line %d (pos %d)
License Expired
License information for %s is invalid
License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode
Light Blue
Light Green
Light Orange
Light Turquoise
Light Yellow
Line Color
Line Style
Line Thickness
Line too long
Line Types
Link %s and %s
Link back from "%s"?
Link to Image Files
List capacity out of bounds (%d)
List count out of bounds (%d)
List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)
List index out of bounds (%d)
List: %s
Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count
Loa&d From File...
Load %d external images?
Load External Images
Load from File
Load Icon...
Load Image
Load Image|
Load Label Definitions
Load Menu
Load Skin
Load SubReport From File...
Loading external images: "%s"
Locate Missing Image Files
Log File
Log Files
Login Password
Lookup (%s)
Lookup Borrower
Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete
Lookup labels (%s)
Lookup record already exists ("%s").
Lookup View (%s)
Lookup: %s
Low surrogate char without a preceding high surrogate char at index: %d. Check that the string is encoded properly
Main Category|General
Main lookup value is empty.
Main window
Make sure that the file is not open in Excel.
Make sure you have selected the correct folder under Tools->Explorer Templates.
Make sure you have write access to this folder.
Mark new record
Marked records:
Master and guest password must be different!
Master Data Pipeline
Master Fields
Match: %s.
matches one of the values in this list
Max line length exceeded.
Max line read attempts exceeded.
Max value:
Maximum number of line allowed exceeded
Maximum path length is 255 characters!
Media ID|Internal
Media Location
Media Location ID|Internal
Media Location|Library
Medium gray
Menu '%s' is already being used by another form
Menu background
Menu Bar
Menu Highlight
Menu index out of range
Menu inserted twice
Menu text
Menu Text
Merge Lookup Records
Message too long.
Metafile is not valid
Method '%s' not supported by automation object
Mimetype is empty
Min value:
missing data in binary stream
Missing DataSetField property
Missing, invalid or empty palette
Mode has not been set.
Money green
Monitor support function not initialized
More Buttons|
More Fill Colors...
More Font Colors...
More Highlight Colors...
More Line Colors...
Move %d files to new drive?
Move %d files?
Move Database
Move Files
Move Tab &Left
Move Tab &Right
Moving: "%s"
MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight
Multimedia Players
Multiselect mode must be on for this feature
N&o to All
Name field
Navy blue
Need exclusive access to database.
Nested dataset must inherit from %s
Net dropped connection or reset.
Network is down.
Network is unreachable.
Network unreachable.
New &Folder
New &Report
New Band Layer
New Card List
new column
New components cannot be added to frame instances.
New Filter
New Folder
New Grouping Definition
New Line
New List Layout
New Page Layer
New Program|Library
New Programs
New Record
new row
New Sort Order
new value
Next #
Next Page
No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache
No argument for format '%s'
No authority could be contacted for authentication.
No bands for this report.
No buffer space available.
No context-sensitive help installed
No credential handle acquired
No credentials are available in the security package
No CustomField Assigned.
No Data Pipeline assigned.
No data to read.
No DataField Assigned.
No field values found.
No files are selected.
No Fill
No formatting
No further occurrences of "%s".
No GIF Data to write
No global or local color table defined
No help found for %s
No help found for context %d
No help viewer that supports filters
No Image
No image files are missing.
No Line
No marked records found!
No match ("%s").
No match!
No Match!
No match.
No OnGetItem event handler assigned
No pages entered.
No printers are installed
No program files found.
No PSecPkgInfo specified
No records found matching filter!
No records found matching search criteria!
No records found to export!
No records found!
No records matched the filter.
No Report Explorer form class is registered.
No route to host.
No selected titles on loan.
No Sort
No system info found for printer
No topic-based help system installed
No value for parameter '%s'
No visible page bands.
non-default chardata at line %d (pos %d)
Not a valid zip file!
Not Acceptable
Not all bytes sent.
Not Connected
Not enough data in buffer. (%d/%d)
Not enough disk space to print report.
Not enough memory is available to complete this request
Not enough room to write archive
Not enough timers available
Not in cached update mode
Note that this means that additional information stored with the current lookup record (dates, images, notes, etc.) will be deleted.
NOTE! This will delete all controls on this tab.
NOTE! This will delete all definitions in this group.
NOTE! This will remove all menu items in this sub-menu.
NOTE! This will remove all views in this group.
Note: The existing form layout will be overwritten!
Note: This will update all memo fields in the database!
NOTE: You can't undo this operation!
Nudge Down
Nudge Left
Nudge Right
Nudge Up
Null descriptor
NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>'
Null Order
Number expected
Number of days to extend loan period:
Object Inspector
Object lock not owned
Object Outline
Object type not supported for operation
Object type not supported.
Odd pages
OK to clear %d reservations?
OK to overwrite <filename> ?
OLE control activation failed
OLE error %.8x
Olive green
Olive Green
On Group Change
Only Code A can contain characters #211 through #242
Only Code B can contain the character <character>
Only Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes can have bearer bars
Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application.
Only remove link
Only UPC and EAN barcodes can have add-on codes.
Only use this command if you want to save the database under a different name.
Open a Zip File
Open Database: You cannot open a backup (zip) file.
Open File
Open File|
Open Quick Filter List
Open Report Archive
Opening database %s
Opening tables
Operation aborted
Operation already in progress.
Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value
Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset
Operation not allowed on sorted list
Operation not supported
Operation not supported on selected printer
Operation not supported on socket.
Operation now in progress.
Operation would block.
or the
Order ID|Library
Order upgrade now?
Ordinal type:
Out of memory
Out of memory while expanding memory stream
Out of system resources
Outline 2
Outline Settings...
Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
Overwrite existing code?
Overwrite existing database?
Overwrite existing filter with the same name?
Overwrite existing image?
Overwrite existing sort order with the same name?
Owner ID|Internal
P&ass Setting
Package Size Too Big.
Page 1
Page 1 of 9
Page Break
Page Number
Page Set&up...
Page Setting...
Page Style
Page Width
PageControl must first be assigned
Painter is not the active painter of the specified inspector.
Pale Blue
Paper Source
Parameter %s cannot be a negative value
Parameter %s cannot be nil
Parameter '%s' not found
Parent given is not a parent of '%s'
Passwords are not identical.
Paste from Clipboard
Paste Plain Text
PCPainterClass is nil
Pen color
Pen width
Personal Rating
Personal Rating ID|Internal
Personal Rating|Library
Plain text
Plain Text
Platform ID|Internal
Play Multimedia File
Please activate your registration key again, or contact <> to obtain a new registration key.
Please enter a title for your report.
Please insert disk
Please select the files you want to delete/move.
Please select the programs you want to add to the database.
Please select two different font sizes!
Please select two different fonts!
Please specify a valid date.
Please specify a valid file path
Please specify file name before continuing.
Please specify folder!
Please specify the type of information you want to transfer!
Please specify two different databases!
Please try repairing the database with Tools=>Repair Database.
PNG files|*.png
Points per Page
PostNet barcodes must be 5, 9, or 11 digits long
PostNet barcodes must be numeric
PostNet barcodes must have AutoSize = True
Premature end of data
Premature end of file reached
Preview pane
Primary &Genre
Primary Category|General
Print header when footer orphaned
Print in Background
Print on first page
Print on last page
Print Pre&view
Print to &File Setup...
Print to File Setup
Printer index out of range
Printer information
Printer is not currently printing
Printer selected is not valid
PrinterName = 'Screen', is a valid option for preview, but not printing
Printing in progress
Printing page <page> for report <documentname> on the <printername>
Printing page <page> of <pagecount> for report <documentname> on the <printername>
PrintPosition exceeds available page space
Prior Page
Privileged instruction
Process %d records?
Product Homepage|General
Program count
Program Custom %s
Program Custom %s ID|Internal
Program File
Program File|General
Program Files|*.exe|All Files|*.*
Program Icon
Program ID|Internal
Program Link Type|Program Links
Program Links|Program Links
Program: Explorer Bottom
Program: Explorer Right
Property %s does not exist
Property is read-only
Protocol family not supported.
Protocol field is empty
Protocol not supported.
Protocol wrong type for socket.
Publisher ID|Internal
Purchase Date|Library
Purchase Location
Purchase Location ID|Internal
Purchase Location|Library
Purchase Price|Library
Putback overflow
quote char expected at pos %d
Range check error
Rating Image|General
Rating Images
Read beyond end of file
Read File Info
Read from Database
Read from File
Read Icon
Read Image
Read Layout
Read Link Fields
Read timed out.
Read Worksheet Names
Record #%d.
Record Exists
Record First
Record Last
Record Link Type
Record Link Type ID|Internal
Record Next
Record no:
Record not found
Record not found:
Record not imported
Record Previous
Records in list:
Records per page
Rectangle|Square|Round rectangle|Round square|Ellipse|Circle
Recycle Bin
Reference No
Reference no "%s" has already been used!
Reference No|General
ReferenceTableName not specified for field '%s'
Regenerate all thumbnail?
Regenerate Thumbnails
Registration Company|Registration
Registration File|Registration
Registration Name|Registration
Registration Notes|Registration
Remove All
Remove all custom views (reset view bar)?
Remove all menu items from
Remove Browse View
Remove Column
Remove File Link
Remove from list
Remove Group
Remove Image
Remove image from database?
Remove Image|
Remove link AND delete file
Remove link to external image?
Remove link to file?
Remove Menu Item
Remove Password
Remove registration file from database?
Remove separator
Remove Sub-Menu
Remove Tab
Remove the icon?
Remove Web Link
Remove: "%s"?
Rena&me File...
Rename %d files?
Rename Database
Rename Definition
Rename Field
Rename File
Rename Group
Rename Sub-Menu
Renaming files
Repair Database
Repairing database
Repeated Captions
Replace "%dpt" with "%dpt" (all fonts)?
Replace "%s %dpt" with "%s %dpt"?
Replace "%s" with "%s"?
Replace existing file
Replace existing report?
Reply Code already exists: %s
Reply Code is not valid: %s
Reply To
Report Archive files (*.crar)|*.rar;*.crar|All files (*.*)|*.*
Report Bands
Report Designer - %s
Report Emulation Text File
Report Explorer
Report Menu
Report Outline
Report property of Designer is not assigned.
Report Title
Report Tree
Reports\XSL Templates
Request a new registration key now?
Request method requires HTTP version 1.1
Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect.
Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids.
Request rejected or failed.
Reset all form layouts?
Reset browse views?
Reset Filters
Reset Form Layout
Reset form layout (%s)?
Reset Form Layouts
Reset Grouping Definitions
Reset List Layouts
Reset Sort Orders
Resolving hostname %s.
Resource %s not found
Restore Backup
Restoring backup
Restoring compacted database
Restoring repaired database
RichEdit line insertion error
Right to Left
Role col width
Rounded Rectangle
Rounded Square
Row color - alternate
Row parameter out of range
RTF files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*
Run Program
S&ave SubReport...
Save &in:
Save and &Close Window
Save changes to <filename> ?
Save changes to <reportname>.
Save changes?
Save Database as
Save F&orm
Save HTML...
Save Image
Save Length
Save Menu
Save Quick Filter As
Save Sort Order As
Save SubReport To File...
Save to Database
Save to Excel
Save to File
Save to XML
Save XML
Save XML...
Saving data
Scale|Height (%)
Scale|Width (%)
Scan line index out of range
Scanning folders
Screenshot %d - External|Screenshots
Screenshot %d - Filename|Screenshots
Screenshot %d - Notes|Screenshots
Screenshot %d - Thumbnail|Screenshots
Screenshot %d - Type|Screenshots
Screenshot %d|Screenshots
Scroll Bar
Scrollbar property out of range
Se&lect All
Sea Green
Search - Show Next
Search - Show Previous
Search Data
Search for File
Search Menu
Search Result (No Match)
Search value must be entered.
Searching for %s - %s
Select a new name for the fixed file.
Select All
Select Audio File
Select Directory
Select Drill Down Component
Select file|
Select from the menu at the top, or the list to the left.
Select Label Definition
Select New Folder
Select Object
Select Program File
Select Registration File
Select Report
Select Value to Filter On
Select Video File
Selected Controls
Selected Fields
Selection background
Selection contains a component introduced in an ancestor and cannot be deleted.
Selection text
Semi colon
Send Backward
Send e-mail
Send Email
Send to &Back
Send to Back
Separator 1
Separator 2
Serial number:
Serial Number|Registration
Session name missing
Set Caption
Set Default Field &Value...
Set Default Field Value
Set Field Value - Select Field
Set LargeStream to True to send streams greater than 2GB
Set object position based on
Set Size Exceeded.
Set Value
SetCipher failed.
Setting bit transparency color is not allowed for png images containing alpha value for each pixel (COLOR_RGBALPHA and COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA)
Setup Files Folder|General
Shape Types
Shared 2nd-Level TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 512 entries
Shift relative to
Shift with band
Short date|Long date
Show all data where the
Show All Records
Show all values of the <name> field.
Show checked first
Show notes
Show Outline
Show the Find Text Toolbar
Show Titles
Show Unused Records
Shrink Height to Smallest
Shrink Width to Smallest
significant digits out of range
Simple Search - %s
Single Page
Single quotes
Sites Menu
Size in pixels|Height
Size in pixels|Width
Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d
Sky blue
Sky Blue
Sna&p to Grid
Software caused connection abort.
Software Suite
Software Suite ID|Internal
Software Suite|General
Some operation could not be performed because the system is out of resources. Close some windows and try again.
Sort Asc
Sort by
Sort by count/sum
Sort by count/sum - descending
Sort by field
Sort by value
Sort by value - descending
Sort Desc
Sort List
Sort roles
Space Horizontally
Space Vertically
Specified column does not belong to this compound item.
Specified Item is not a child of this item.
Specified item is not a column of this compound item.
Specify a different folder name.
Specify a different item name.
Specify the data and page orientation
Specify the name of the file you want to export data to.
Specify the name of the file you want to import data from.
Specify the name of the XML file you want to export data to.
Spending per Category
Spending per Month
Spending per Year
Split "%s" into
SSL status: "%s"
SSPI %s returns error #%d(0x%x): %s
SSPI interface has failed to initialise properly
Stack already created.
Stack Class is undefined.
Stack overflow
Standard Components
Standard Views
Start Database Engine
Start index out of bounds (%d)
Start Printing at Label
Start printing at label no:
Start Program
Start Search on Current Page
Start Search on First Page
Status ID|Internal
Store Images in Database
Stream read error
stream terminated prematurely at pos %d
Stream write error
Stretch with band
String expected
String index out of range (%d). Must be >= 1 and <= %d
String list does not allow duplicates
String too long.
Sub-menu is not in menu
Successfull API call
Suppress zero
Suppress Zero
System Error. Code: %d.
System Folder
System Tray Launcher
System Tray|General
System Variable
Tab delimited
Tab index out of bounds
Tab order
Tab position incompatible with current tab style
Tab style incompatible with current tab position
Tab Titles|Tab
Table border|Color
Table border|Width
Table Properties
Table Properties...
Tab's index (%d) out of bounds
Tabs.Count = 0
TabVisibleIndex (%d) must be between 0 and %d
Target node cannot be a child node of the node to be moved.
Text "First"
Text "Last"
Text "Next"
Text "Previous"
Text case
Text exceeds memo capacity
Text File
Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*
Text format
Text Format
Text Search Cancelled
Thai (Windows)
That is all the information needed to create your report.
The "Portable Network Graphics" image contains an invalid palette.
The "Portable Network Graphics" image could not be loaded because one of its main piece of data (ihdr) might be corrupted
The backup file is corrupt. Please try again.
The base folder is invalid.
The buffers supplied to a function was too small.
The caller is not the owner of the desired credentials
The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted authority.
The changes will not be saved.
The chunks must be compatible to be assigned.
The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm.
The clocks on the client and server machines are skewed.
The Code C portion must be numeric
The Code C portion must contain an even number of digits
The context data must be renegotiated with the peer.
The context has expired and can no longer be used.
The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized
The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context.
The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. The context could not be initialized.
The current master password you supplied is not correct.
The Database Template folder is empty. Please reinstall the application, and try again.
The Database Template folder is empty. Please reinstall the application, then try again.
The database you want to transfer from does not exist!
The database you want to transfer to already exists!
The default database template ("%s") is missing. Please reinstall the application.
The file being read is not a valid "Portable Network Graphics" image because it contains an invalid header. This file may be corrupted, try obtaining it again
The file names cannot be the same!
The function completed successfully, but both CompleteToken and this function must be called to complete the context
The function completed successfully, but CompleteToken must be called
The function completed successfully, but must be called again to complete the context
The function requested is not supported
The given "%s" local time is invalid (situated within the missing period prior to DST).
The handle specified is invalid
The image cannot be bigger than %d x %d pixels.
The IOHandler already has a different Intercept assigned
The license file is corrupt.
The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted
The logon attempt failed
The logon was completed, but no network authority was available. The logon was made using locally known information
The maximum size of a database file is 2 GB. Your database is %f GB.
The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered
The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
The message supplied for verification is out of sequence
The new size provided for image resizing is invalid.
The only valid choices for FIM codes are A, B, or C
The password you supplied is not correct.
The path format is not supported
The per-message Quality of Protection is not supported by the security package
The program tried to add a existent critical chunk to the current image which is not allowed.
The received certificate has expired.
The requested IPVersion / Address family is not supported.
The requested security package does not exist
The security context could not be established due to a failure in the requested quality of service (e.g. mutual authentication or delegation).
The security context does not allow impersonation of the client
The security package failed to initialize, and cannot be installed
The security package is not able to marshall the logon buffer, so the logon attempt has failed
The specified data could not be decrypted.
The specified data could not be encrypted.
The specified directory does not exist. Create it?
The specified file was not found
The specified locate setting is not supported. Please use the "General" locale instead.
The specified path is too long
The specified path was not found
The specified target is unknown or unreachable
The supplied message is incomplete. The signature was not verified.
The target principal name is incorrect.
The token supplied to the function is invalid
The transaction isolation level must be dirty read for local databases
The trial version is limited to %d programs.
There are no bands to print.
There are no custom fields on which to group.
There are no data fields on which to group.
There are no printers connected to your computer.
There are no styles registered
There are


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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 06:58:00 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

OK pour moi...

Il y a 2222 lignes (référence Notepad++) ! Rolling Eyes
Si un autre (ou plus !) volontaire se manifeste on se partagera le gateau Smile

J'attends pour déterminer le nombre de parts... Very Happy Laughing

"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 12 Mars 2006
Messages: 2855
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 07:16:33 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Lustucru80 a écrit:
OK pour moi...

Il y a 2222 lignes (référence Notepad++) ! Rolling Eyes
Si un autre (ou plus !) volontaire se manifeste on se partagera le gateau Smile

J'attends pour déterminer le nombre de parts... Very Happy Laughing

Salut Colok et MBP Wink

Voui, voilà, voilà, j'en suis Very Happy

Vu qu'il y a beaucoup de monde pour le faire je ne sais pas s'il y a une place pour moi Crying or Very sad

Mais vous savez les gars j'va pas ben vite dans l'Monastère Very Happy alors faudra être patient Rolling Eyes

MBP j'attends ta proposition, j'veux la part avec la fève pour la couronne Laughing Laughing Laughing ha oui m...e c'est pas une galette et pas de la tarte non plus Embarassed Wink

Le seul hic si je duplique la page avec NotePad++ ça écrit sur les deux en même temps Crying or Very sad Colok, MBP dites moi où est le truc pour que je garde la page gauche en anglais et la page en cours de Trad sur la droite sinon je ferai des Aller/Retour comme dab.

Sinon je vais essayer Bayond compare pendant la période d'essai, je ne l'ai jamais utilisé, mais bon.

Avec Google c'est ma seule référence pour traduire faudra lire entre les lignes pour que ce soit en bon François Idea

Je ne commencerai que demain aujourd'hui des rendez-vous, et au retour je risque de pas être très en forme, pas besoin de vous expliquer vous savez pourquoi Shocked

Je viens d'avoir une idée, oui ça m'arrive Rolling Eyes
Question :
Et si je commençais pas le bas 2222 en remontant vers Arrow 2000 par exemple pour commencer Question

Matula dit le Moine
Windows 7.1
Il n'y a pas plus grande richesse que l'amitié.
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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 10:44:52 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Bonjour MBM,

Je me doutais bien que tu serais de l'aventure ! Very Happy
Mais pour le moment il ne semble pas y avoir d'autre volontaires, donc il y a une place pour toi de toutes façons Smile

1/ Bon, dis-moi : pourquoi tiens-tu à partager ton écran en deux dans ce cas précis ? Parce que comme le demande Colok, et si j'ai bien compris, il suffit de rajouter en bout de ligne la trad en français... Je le cite :

" Faites la traduction juste après le mot ou la phrase à traduire et sur la même ligne, exemple: Hello - Bonjour "

2/ Pour le partage c'est comme tu veux : ou bien tu prends l'annuaire à l'envers et tu remontes ou bien tu débutes dans le sens normal, disons... de la ligne 1800 à la fin.

Si un autre larron vient nous rejoindre je lui attribuerai une autre portion des 1799 qui reste, sinon j'en ferai mon affaire. Et si tu finis tes 422 lignes avant que j'aie terminé je t'en redonnerai une petite part, la cerise du gateau par exemple Very Happy

3/ Je ne sais pas si c'est ce que tu utilises mais je trouve que le plus pratique pour la traduction c'est QTranslate. Bien sûr il s'appuie aussi sur Google mais aussi sur Microsoft. Tu peux choisir et dans certains cas de tournure de phrase à traduire il y en a l'un ou l'autre de meilleur que l'autre...


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 12 Mars 2006
Messages: 2855
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 11:20:08 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Lustucru80 a écrit:
Bonjour MBM,

Je me doutais bien que tu serais de l'aventure ! Very Happy
Mais pour le moment il ne semble pas y avoir d'autre volontaires, donc il y a une place pour toi de toutes façons Smile

1/ Bon, dis-moi : pourquoi tiens-tu à partager ton écran en deux dans ce cas précis ? Parce que comme le demande Colok, et si j'ai bien compris, il suffit de rajouter en bout de ligne la trad en français... Je le cite :

" Faites la traduction juste après le mot ou la phrase à traduire et sur la même ligne, exemple: Hello - Bonjour "

2/ Pour le partage c'est comme tu veux : ou bien tu prends l'annuaire à l'envers et tu remontes ou bien tu débutes dans le sens normal, disons... de la ligne 1800 à la fin.

Si un autre larron vient nous rejoindre je lui attribuerai une autre portion des 1799 qui reste, sinon j'en ferai mon affaire. Et si tu finis tes 422 lignes avant que j'aie terminé je t'en redonnerai une petite part, la cerise du gateau par exemple Very Happy

3/ Je ne sais pas si c'est ce que tu utilises mais je trouve que le plus pratique pour la traduction c'est QTranslate. Bien sûr il s'appuie aussi sur Google mais aussi sur Microsoft. Tu peux choisir et dans certains cas de tournure de phrase à traduire il y en a l'un ou l'autre de meilleur que l'autre...


Je te réponds vite fait, je dois partir à mon 1er RDV par le bus

1/ Voilà ce que j'ai compris
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these records ?
remplacer la ligne complète par
Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir supprimer ces enregistrements ?

ou encore ceci
%d records will be deleted.
par ceci
%d les enregistrements seront supprimés.

c'est pour ça que je voulais partager mon écran Very Happy

Dans ta réponsse met moi en gras l'un de mes exemples qui est le bon Shocked

si je mets au bout comme tu dis ça va faire bizarre
%d records will be deleted. - %d Les enregistrements seront supprimés.

2/ OK pour ton idée de partage, pour moi ça marche Wink

3/ J'utilise aussi Qtranslate mais des fois dans Google on peut choisir en surlignant un mot ou groupe de mots la meilleure définition

Pour la suite je ne pourrais répondre que demain, si on ne me garde pas pour la nuit au 2ème RDV Crying or Very sad

Matula dit le Moine
Windows 7.1
Il n'y a pas plus grande richesse que l'amitié.
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 11:36:20 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

La traduction comporte plus de 7500 lignes !
20 000 mots = 144 000 caractères Wink Very Happy
Et je vous fais grâce des fichiers XLS que j'ai finalement traduits Cool

Matula a écrit :
1/ Voilà ce que j'ai compris
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these records ?
remplacer la ligne complète par
Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir supprimer ces enregistrements ?
Non Matula!

Voici ce que je voudrai:
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these records ? - Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir supprimer ces enregistrements ?
La phrase en Anglais et sa traduction sur la même ligne, merci de votre aide!



Dernière édition par Colok le 04-10-2012 17:03:42; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 16:32:50 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Oh !! Mon cher Colok ! Ce n'est pas moi qui propose cette façon de traduire, c'est bien MBM :

Matula a écrit :
1/ Voilà ce que j'ai compris
Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these records ?
remplacer la ligne complète par
Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir supprimer ces enregistrements ?

Colok a écrit :
Non Lustucru !

Ceci c'est ce que Matula avait compris. Il faut dire qu'il était un peu pressé et perturbé par ses examens de cet après midi... Confused

Plus haut, à 11h44, j'ai bien indiqué à notre ami Matula ce que tu voulais :
" Faites la traduction juste après le mot ou la phrase à traduire et sur la même ligne, exemple: Hello - Bonjour "

Very Happy Attention de ne pas abuser du JavelMiel du Nounours, c'est mauvais au volant d'un Forum Very Happy Laughing Very Happy

Ceci dit, je vais m'y mettre; inutile de te dire que nous allons en avoir pour un bon bout de temps ! Comme d'habitude nous ferons pour le mieux dans les meilleurs délais...


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 17:04:40 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

C'est corrigé Laughing


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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 04-10-2012 17:39:35 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut


L'échange de post ci-dessus avec Colok te précise donc la façon de traduire le fichier. Inutile donc que j'en remette une couche ! Very Happy

Donc tu fais comme tu veux : commence par la fin ou attaque à la ligne 1800.
Dis-moi simplement ce que tu décides.

De mon côté je vais m'y mettre dès demain, peut être même un peu ce soir...
On se tient au courant par MP de l'évolution ou des problèmes rencontrés. Wink

"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 12 Mars 2006
Messages: 2855
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 07:34:01 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Lustucru80 a écrit:

L'échange de post ci-dessus avec Colok te précise donc la façon de traduire le fichier. Inutile donc que j'en remette une couche ! Very Happy

Donc tu fais comme tu veux : commence par la fin ou attaque à la ligne 1800.
Dis-moi simplement ce que tu décides.

De mon côté je vais m'y mettre dès demain, peut être même un peu ce soir...
On se tient au courant par MP de l'évolution ou des problèmes rencontrés. Wink

OK c'est vrai que tu m'avais très bien expliqué mais j'étais dans le gaz Very Happy
Merci à vous deux Wink
Je commence comme tu l'as suggéré à 1800.
On continuera par MP comme tu l'indiques.
Bon c'est pas le tout mais il y a du boulot Arrow hop, hop, hop... Laughing Laughing Laughing

Bonne journée Very Happy

Matula dit le Moine
Windows 7.1
Il n'y a pas plus grande richesse que l'amitié.
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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 07:53:20 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Matula a écrit:
Je commence comme tu l'as suggéré à 1800.
On continuera par MP comme tu l'indiques.
Bon c'est pas le tout mais il y a du boulot Arrow hop, hop, hop... Laughing Laughing Laughing

Bonjour MBM,
Ok ça marche comme ça, au turf ! Very Happy

(J'espère que tu n'as pas été recalé à tes examens... Very Happy )


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 12:21:45 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Une question de notre ami Lustucru:

Petite précision avant que j'aille plus au-delà :
Certaines lignes comportent au début et devant le texte anglais les signes %d, %s, d'autres lignes non.
Est ce qu'ils doivent être reconduits devant la trad FR ou non ?

Exemple :
Comme ceci :
%d pages generated. - %d pages générées.
%d programs updated. - %d programmes mis à jour.
%d records exported. - %d enregistrements exportés.


Salut Lustucru et merci pour ton aide!

Il faut les laisser devant car, par exemple, si tu as:

%s files
ceci veut dire qu'il y a un certains nombre de fichiers =

%s files = %s fichiers une fois dans l'interface du logiciel cela donne ceci : 2 fichiers (le %s a été remplacé par le nombre de fichiers)

Il faut traduire comme tu l'indiques dans ta 2ème proposition:
%d pages generated. - %d pages générées.
%d programs updated. - %d programmes mis à jour.
%d records exported. - %d enregistrements exportés.



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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 16:06:17 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Pour moi c'est OK Colok, tu me l'as précisé par MP mais...

...dans ton post ci-dessus tu dis : "Il faut traduire comme tu l'indiques dans ta 2ème proposition" mais c'est suivi de l'exemple de ma première proposition, c'est à dire que les signes spéciaux sont toujours là dans la partie traduite Very Happy Wink

Je pense qu'il y a un petit quiproquo entre la question posée et la réponse. Nous nous sommes probablement mal compris Wink

Afin que ce soit clair et sans ambiguïté, est ce ceci :

%d pages generated. - %d pages générées.
%d programs updated. - %d programmes mis à jour.
%d records exported. - %d enregistrements exportés.

ou ceci :

%d pages generated. - pages générées.
%d programs updated. - programmes mis à jour.
%d records exported. - enregistrements exportés.


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 19:57:47 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

C'est la première proposition qui est la bonne Embarassed


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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 05-10-2012 20:03:34 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

OK, maintenant c'est clair Smile
Donc, on recopie les symboles spéciaux au début de notre traduction


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 06-10-2012 08:38:42 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Donc, on recopie les symboles spéciaux au début de notre traduction
On laisse les caractères spéciaux devant la traduction des mots Wink

The %d files = Les %d fichiers et non pas %d les fichiers


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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 06-10-2012 23:32:56 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

il ne faut pas traduire <name>, <count>



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Inscrit le: 14 Mars 2006
Messages: 9955
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 07-10-2012 07:46:20 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Colok a écrit:
il ne faut pas traduire <name>, <count>

Bon, ça c'est rectifié mais je me demande si ce n'est pas la même chose pour les expressions entre crochets, exemple : [empty] ainsi que celles qui contiennent le signe |


"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on sait pourquoi, c'est la théorie"
"Quand tout marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est la pratique"
"Quand rien ne marche et que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi, c'est Windows"
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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 07-10-2012 09:50:47 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

Pour le précédent je ne sais pas, on va le laisser tel quel, mais pour
celles qui contiennent le signe |
non, on peut la traduite Wink


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Inscrit le: 13 Décembre 2005
Messages: 23018
Localisation: fr

MessagePosté le: 10-10-2012 12:09:17 Répondre en citant Revenir en haut

J'ai bien reçu votre travail, il ne me reste plus qu’à intégrer votre travail Wink

Lustucru a fait de la ligne 0 à 300
Matula a fait de la ligne 1800 à 2222

Essayer de vous contacter pour la suite et merci pour votre aide Very Happy


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